Monday, March 15, 2010

Thankless in the Midst of Abundance

(Ecclesiastes 10:19) Bread is made for laughter, and wine gladdens life, and money answers everything.

Jehovah God, truly one day in Your courts is better than a thousand in the tents of the wicked, or, for that matter, any place else in the universe. You are good, and so very good to those who call upon You in Jesus’ name. Forgive us now dear Lord…

For in the midst of unprecedented ease, blessing and prosperity we have been the very picture of grumbling ingratitude. Our pantries are full and our tables heavy with good food. Our conversations bubble with laughter. Delicious wines please our palates and gladden our gatherings. And wealth heretofore unheard of is entrusted to our stewardship and enables us purchase things needful, useful and enjoyable, for ourselves, and even for others. But still we have grumbled, whined, carped and complained as if exiled, abandoned and poverty-stricken. Lord have mercy upon us…

And hear us now as we confess our particular sins to you...

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