Friday, March 19, 2010

Irish A2G

"The best way to lead someone to Jesus is not to bring them to a sermon but to adopt them into your family." - Jeff Vanderstelt


Our church (Trinity Church) recently formed and began meeting as community groups called "Acts Two Gatherings" (or A2Gs for short.) The purpose of these gatherings is twofold: 1) To foster strong community within our church, and 2) To provide relational settings into which we can (and soon will) invite unbelieving friends, relatives and neighbors. The A2Gs were strongly encouraged to meet at least four times before inviting any "outsiders" in.

This month our second A2G happened to fall on Saint Patrick's Day so we were treated to a sea-o'-green decor at the Aumells', feasted on delicious food and drink, discussed the previous week's sermon, prayed with and for one another, and to top off the evening, were treated to some Celtic music courtesy of Bret Stewart (who plays both the guitar and the Irish Bouzouki.) All this and Christ too.
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