Sunday, August 10, 2008

Father Knows Best?

This is an amazing little video from our "cousins across the pond" displaying both the folly of government controlled education and the usefulness of sarcasm/satire. Enjoy. HT: Jeff Myers/Mark Horne


WWE said...

Brilliant send up of the various "tombstones" of civilization. Reminds me of Dallas Willard's comments on how we Christians are quick to realize that the problems with government are not in spite of our elected representatives, but because of them. But slow to admit that the problems with culture are not in spite of the church, but because of it. We have some work to do...

Anonymous said...

Come on guys, assure me that you know and love Yes Minister/Prime Minister, and have the DVD's of all the episodes and your kids can do great Humphrey and Bernard impersonations and it's one of the best series to come out of the good old BBC.
